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Writer’s Block For Not Finding The Topic To Write

Being a writer is a boon sometimes for you can catharsis your feelings through this form of art. But sometimes, it’s a curse for you experience the writer’s block, i.e. you just don’t know what to write about where as at the same time the natural instinct of writing is jumping within you very strongly.

I believe that, this is called the writer’s block. Your brain is available but lack the topic to write about. That feeling may be similar to sitting with your lover, and not finding words to express your love!

Inspiration is something which is developed from within based on the projections of outside world seen earlier. This helps. For instance, if I have watched some movie and found some interesting element in it, that would inspire me to take it further in form of writing and share my views and experience on the same. What I’m trying to say is that, willingly observing the outside objects during the writer’s block would help to get out of it at earliest, for then, the inner instinct to write would have choice of topics.

P.S.: I have written this post for I felt writer’s block for a while. This is an output of it!


Devang Vibhakar is the Founder and Editor of www.SpeakBindas.com. He has interviewed more than 350 people. His effort was recognized by Limca Book of Records, twice. He has been to Scotland as well as Germany as part of vocational & cultural exchange programs and has compiled five books so far. He's passionate about bringing forth interesting stories & interviews of entrepreneurs to avid readers of SpeakBindas. He can be reached here.

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