Earthquakes is my deepest fear.
Myself Tushar Agarwal, the admin of IndianCashMaker – I have been running it since last three months. Born on 23rd Aug, 1987, I lived in Dehradun. I completed my education there and then went to Meerut for my engineering. But destiny had something else for me in store. I appeared for SBI clerical exam and cleared it. At present, I am employed with SBI in Dehradun and leading a happy life with my family, friends and one special girl. I am a complete computer freak and internet is my favorite pastime. I love playing outdoor sports and cricket, football, volleyball and badminton are my passion.

Tushar Agarwal
Q1: Welcome to Speakbindas. Tell us since when blogging has been a part of your life? Was there any motive or inspiration as a backbone of it?
A1: First of all, thanks a lot for giving me an opportunity to share my experiences with everyone. I have been blogging since 2007 but at that time, I knew nothing about it. Honestly, my start as a blogger was very pathetic. All I did was copy-paste other articles from free article sites and put lot of Adsense ads there. This never works; I realized it within a month. The traffic was nil. I deleted my blog and left the idea of blogging.
After a year or so, I felt the need of extra cash. I turned to internet and invested some amount. But that was a waste. It was then that I came across a blog which very beautifully told me the steps to follow to become a successful blogger. I decided to start it after my B.Tech as during those days, I did not have 24 hour access to internet. In June 2009, I finished my studies and launched Indian Cash Maker. Getting recognized in the blogosphere is the main motive for starting this blog.
Q2: What is your blog all about? Which topics you cover there? Is that you alone running/maintaining the blog, or have a team?
A2: IndianCashMaker talks about various money making tips and information available online. I thought a lot while selecting the domain for this blog. I wanted to have something which reveals both the identity and motive of this blog. So, I chose IndianCashmaker. I have enough experience on this particular niche and I am sure my readers will be benefitted. Some main topics are blogging, free traffic for blog, SEO, tips to start blog. At the moment, I am the only author of this blog. But very soon I will be starting guest posting here.
Q3: What are the present statistics for your blog, i.e. number of daily visitors, visitors geographical status etc.?
A3: Let me tell you, within 3 months of its starting, IndianCashMaker has a Google Page Rank 2. IndianCashMaker is getting 10-12 visits daily. I know these stats are nowhere near the statistics of established blogs but my blog is still new. More than 80% of my visitors are from India. Alexa rank is around 1,000,000 and it is improving at a good pace.
Q4: Is blogging for you just a passion or a medium for earning too? Does it help you to earn enough cash to quit a 9 to 5 day job?
A4: When I first started blogging, I must say it was just for money. But, now when I know that I am making a name for myself, money has become a secondary motive for me. It feels much better when somebody drop thanks in the comment box because my post helped him.
At the moment, I am earning nothing from my blog. But I am not very perturbed about it. I am earning enough from my day job and everything that I will earn from my blog will be a bonus. And even if I am earning 10,000 to 20,000 from ICM, one thing is for sure. I will never leave my day job.
Q5: Who are your favorite bloggers, whom you read frequently?
A5: I am not very much interested in foreign bloggers. But there are some Indian bloggers who have been an inspiration for me. My sincere thanks to Harsh Agarwal from ShoutMeLoud, Ajith from DollarShower, Surender from TechnoGati and Sushant from SmartBloggerz. If they were not there, I would have never thought of starting ICM.
Q6: From the secret bucket of your blogging experiences, what tips you would like to share with the fellow bloggers?
A6: The most important thing for a blogger is niche. Select your niche very carefully as rest of the blog will be based on that. Your domain, your design, your blog posts, everything. And be patient. Blogging needs lot of hard work in the initial days but once you go through that phase, you will enjoy blogging. Believe me.
Q7: Do you believe that blogging completes you? If yes, tell us how?
A7: Well, I do not know exactly but ya, it’s an important part of my life. Life would have been very boring if ICM would not be there.
Q8: What was the happiest and gloomiest moment of your life?
A8: Till date, the happiest moment for me was the day when I got my job. In these times of recession, I have been very lucky to get a government job and nobody could understand this better than the Indians. Talking about the gloomiest moment, I would prefer not to discuss it here. It’s too personal.
Q9: Say, you are sponsored to travel to 3 world destinations, where you need not to worry about costs for food, hotel or anything. Which destinations would you pick up, and why? Would you like to take someone along with you? If yes, whom?
A9: 1. I would love to take my family on a world tour. I want to take my family to DisneyLand.
2. I would like to visit Australian beaches with my friends. Yes, that would be fun.
3. And on a month long trip with my girlfriend to Europe.
Q10: Are you into watching movies? If yes, which fills your list of favorite ones?
A10: I am a great Bollywood lover. Romantic and comedy movies are my favorites. If I start writing down the list, it will be very long. In recently watched movies, Kaminey was a total PAISA VASOOL.
Q11: How has blogging helped you other than money?
A11: Blogging has helped me making a name for myself. If ICM wouldn’t have been there, would you have interviewed me? NEVER.
Q12: What would be the one thing you’d change about yourself?
A12: My physique. I am a little bit slim for my age. If I can just have a great body, it will complete me.
Q13: What is your deepest fear?
A13: Earthquakes.
Q14: If you could meet one person, dead or alive, who would it be?
A14: Anil Ambani.
Q15: Which is your favorite television show? Favorite songs?
A15: MTV Roadies and other reality shows. For songs, there will be again a long list. But, I love hearing AGAR TUM MIL JAO from ZEHER
Q16: How much money do you have in your purse/wallet right now (including change)?
A16: Around 800.
Q17: What is your favorite food? Any particular dislikes?
A17: PIZZA…. I am a big non -veggie and loves Butter Chicken. No such dislikes.
Q18: What’s your take on the technological advancement these days? Does it make people’s life simple or complicated?
A18: I consider myself very lucky that I born in an era where there is so much technology. I wonder how people spend their time 30 years back.
Q19: List out the 10 bloggers you believe should be interviewed by
A19: Harsh Agarwal, Ajith, Surender, Sushant. These are my inspiration and I would love to hear their stories.
Q20: Any special message you would like to share with your blog readers as well with everyone else?
A20: Blog sincerely. Put your effort and wait for the results to come. And never expect too much from life. Let the things happen.
very interesting interview in which u thoughtfully replied..
Tushar Agarwal, great to see here
Very nice interview……….
tusar Agarwal is the name in the blogging,a name of interest,guideline and success. Nice to read that you met this great blogger personally. It will be great inspiration,both for you and other bloggers.
I used to visit the blog SML on regular basis and got “more enough to say” from there.