Nadine Sabulsky – The Naked Life Coach
My passion of interviewing people from different walks of life sometimes brings me to very unique person. Nadine Sabulsky is one such ‘hatke‘ (different from others) person I came across. She goes with the brand “The Naked Life Coach”. And she does so quite successfully.
Nadine resides in USA. She is an author, an entrepreneur and a motivational speaker. Part of her bio on her website says Having self-developed her ongoing life-long renaissance-style education, her areas of interest and expertise are many and varied, including: Energy, Entrepreneurship, Faith as an Ability, History, Human Species Capability, Inter-Personal and Romantic Relationships, the “Law of Attraction”, Marketing, Metaphysics, Meta-Systems Design, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Philosophy, Psychology, Public Speaking, Quantum Physics, Semantics, Sociology, Technological Development, the Visual Arts, and Writing.
Life coaching is spread excessively all over world these days. But “Naked” one is new form. What inspired you to have this very unique style of coaching people? Is there a science or philosophy behind it?
When I first began coaching I was originally inspired by an experience that I had at age 22. I attended an all day nude beauty pageant and dance contest, which was held at a nudist resort. Being naked around other naked people and just being comfortable and seeing them being comfortable was a very life-changing experience for me. So, I thought, what is a way to incorporate that in my coaching practice?
While nudity is not required to receive coaching, I believe that nudity brings many benefits to the coaching process. Here are the top 3:
The Honesty Factor: When we’re naked together, it’s very symbolic. We’re showing everything. We’ve got “nothing to hide”. Complete honesty is one of the key ingredients, not only to the coaching process, but also to the processes of manifesting our dreams and goals.
The Demonstration Factor: A huge part of coaching is to show you how to make changes in your life. Often, we fear change and think that it will be difficult and painful. Nudity is one very common societal taboo. When you overcome this taboo and become comfortable with another person in a non-sexual context, it easily demonstrates that change can be quick, easy, and most of all, comfortable.
The Freedom Factor: Because of our common societal taboos, we often have absorbed ideas about ourselves and our bodies that are hurtful and shaming. Ideas that nudity is bad, that our sexuality is bad, body image issues, emotional issues, and more. When you reach a new comfort level with another person in a non-sexual nude setting, it resets those parameters and is very freeing on many levels; mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and of course, physically.
According to you what is the relationship between being naked and spirituality?
Too often our religions and culture tell us, in some way, that “we are not good enough”. Often this is linked to shame for ourselves, shame for our bodies, and shame for our innate sexuality. Spiritually, I think that it is important to have gratitude for all that we are given, and this includes feeling that we are good enough, that God or the Gods do love us, that we are created perfectly. In a way, (if we are religious) believing in God’s omniscience, yet saying we are not good enough, it is questioning Gods’ work. Now, I will say, I do not consider myself to be a religious person. I would say I’m “spiritual”. I think that everything in the entire universe is one energy, and that the collective energy of all is what we might call “God”. With that being said, nudity is a return to our innate state, after all, we are born naked. I think it is very freeing and very spiritual to accept ourselves just as we have been made and to love that creation in its’ perfection. It is a delicate balance to have self-acceptance and also the desire to change and grow.
Your profile states your diverse persona, i.e. you’ve worked/working in range of fields from graphic design to financial services. Tell us more about yourself.
Well, aside from my life-long interest and study of metaphysics and human potential, and being an entrepreneur, with as you said, many diverse businesses, I have a lot of personal hobbies. I enjoy painting, singing karaoke, reading, going to exotic events of all sorts from concerts and live performances to friends’ house parties. I’m very social. I also enjoy going camping and hiking, and really travel of any sort. I’m a proud single mother, and my daughter is now in her first year of college. I enjoy making computer art and movie/video production, and public speaking. Obviously I love to write, and aside from the 3 books I have published, I also write poetry when the inspiration strikes.
How does your coaching help people with sexual dysfunction?
As I mentioned previously, just being comfortable being naked with another person in a non-sexual context can be very freeing and help to lift the normal burden of shame or fear we might feel from such an occurrence. In addition to that, there are many techniques to apply, depending on the particular issue. I’ve studied and use NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), and also all sorts of knowledge that I’ve absorbed from many different sources, including tantra, psychology, neuro-science, etc. The specific techniques or knowledge I would share depend on the particular dysfunction, of course.
I would like to add that I coach people from all walks of life to change or improve ANY aspect of their life, which may or may not include their sexuality. Many think because it is Naked coaching that I focus only on sexual issues, however, that is not the case. I have helped people to start businesses, learn to communicate better, have better relationships, learn emotional management (including overcoming stress, anger, depression, PTSD and more), get organized, get time management systems in place, you name it! I think that is one of the things that make me unique as a coach, is that I treat people from a holistic perspective and work with the whole person to adjust each and every area of their lives, unlike many coaches who only specialize in one or two areas. With my background of study and experience I feel fortunate to have the diversity to make that possible.
Something special you would like to share/say to readers of SpeakBindas?
I really appreciate the opportunity to be on SpeakBindas, so thank you for having me! I have a lot of respect for India, and would like to put together a life-changing weekend seminar event in the country – it’s definitely a destination for my World Naked Stadium Tour!
I recently started offering Free Strategy Consultations, so if you are interested in receiving Naked Life Coaching, please feel free to take advantage of the free consultation. I have my work hours on some days to include overnight, so I can serve people globally in that way, and we can consult via Skype. For more information on Naked Life Coaching, please visit my website www.TheNakedLifeCoach.com. I have many videos and also my books online so you can learn more as well.