Dr. Hansal Bhachech
Those who read Sunday ‘Purti‘ of Gujarat Samachar- a daily Gujarati newspaper – would know about Dr. Hansal Bhachech. He writes a column there on youth and emotional issues.
Dr. Hansal Bhachech is a well-known author, psychiatrist and relationship expert of India. He is M.D. in psychiatry with university first position. He is mental health adviser to Government of Gujarat.
He is a popular column writer. His columns on Male-Female relationship are having a wide readership base across the globe. In his columns, he is giving guidance about emotional and psychological problems.
He has written books on Male-Female relationships, mental disorders, stress and its management, drug addiction, Depression, Schizophrenia, Common sexual myths — etc. Various TV channels, radios, newspapers, and magazines are frequently interviewing him.
He has also produced audiotapes for mental relaxation, regulation of blood pressure and exam fear in students. He is an international speaker, who has delivered more than three hundred lectures all over the world on versatile subjects. (source: malefemale.in)
Specialty of Dr. Hansal Bhachech as a columnist is he chooses ‘untouched’ and ‘unique’ topics, mostly about relationship issues, and sometimes informative articles on relationship. His prime concern being male and female, he has created his website by name malefemale.in where anyone can post his / her problem, and Dr. Bhachech answers it in a practical way.
I have been reading his articles on Gujarat Samachar regularly. His variety of subjects is catchy. He writes short-articles but to the point. He has this remarkable quality as a writer to discuss an issue in short but in totality.
Speakbindas feels fortunate having such a recent time eminent psychiatrist agreed for an interview.
Speakbindas: Welcome Dr. Bhachech. Tell us how did your journey as a psychiatrist start? And how writing came into your profession?
Dr. Bhachech: Right from my M.B.B.S. days I had made up my mind to do post-graduation in Psychiatry. I was very patient listener with very strong analytic mind, and I think; these two are the most important quality of Psychiatrist. Knowing these two qualities and strong liking for the subject, I decided to be Psychiatrist. I completed my M.D. in Dec.1988 with University first position. It was a time when people used to call us Doctor of Mad people! There were lot of misconceptions and ignorance about mental illness. So I decided to bring some awareness through mass media. Writing was my passion since my young days. I was used to write poems and short stories for my college magazines. I started writing about Mental Illnesses in leading Guajarati news paper Gujarat Samachar. I got tremendous response as an author; my readers were praising my writing skills, understanding and analysis. I got stimulated with these responses and started my second column on male-female relationship in the same news paper. This column was even bigger hit and it has wide readership across the globe. My book on male-female relationship is going to be launched in April09, in Gujarati as well as English.
Speakbindas: How do you manage your time for patients, writing, giving lectures, interviews and your family?
Dr. Bhachech: I believe, when you have an interest and passion for something; time will never be a constraint. I’m managing things nicely, although people admire my time management but somehow it is a routine for me.
Speakbindas: Do you believe that ‘drugs’ are really needed to cure a person who has some mental and emotional issues? Or ‘care’ from his / her family and society is capable enough of curing?
Dr. Bhachech: Most of the mental illnesses are caused by chemical (Neurotransmitters) imbalances in the brain. You definitely require to correct them with medicines and that way medicines are must. Family support can help them to recover faster and that is how they can play important part in the treatment. Only family support cannot cure them. People, who have pure emotional problems; can be dealt with counseling by experts; their family support becomes more crucial.
Speakbindas: Tell us something about your professional visits to various countries. And how do the other countries see at you as a psychiatrist from India?
Dr. Bhachech: I have traveled almost 18 different countries for delivering lectures and conducting seminars.
As an Indian Psychiatrist, I was always well received but I do feel that most of the people their (USA, Australia and Europe in particular), does not have deep respect for Indians, they seem quiet superficial in their attitude. I feel respect goes to our profession rather than our nationality.
Speakbindas: Share your view / observation on current youth mentality.
Dr. Bhachech: Indian youth is very enthusiastic, vibrant and hard working. They are ambitious and entrepreneurs. BUT they lack direction and hence confused as well as frustrated within. They are impulsive, too. They do not have any strong role model to identify, follow and inspire themselves. They are under influence of bollywood masalas and stupid TV shows (so called reality shows!) which is unfortunate.
Speakbindas: Your tips for a successful and healthy relationship, mostly to youth?
Dr. Bhachech: Be a good human, as you can give to others what you have!
Show honesty, fidelity and transparency in your relationships.
Communicate with open mind and always stay in touch.
Devote quality time in relationship.
Support each other and be there, always.
Practice unconditional love.
Laugh together.
Mutual respect is vital in relationship.
Give freedom and space to opposite person in relationship.
Express your love and concern.
Do not do anything for your partner if it comes with an expectation of reciprocation. Review your expectations periodically.
Keeping score in a relationship will never work.
Approach your relationship as a learning experience.
Be a role model and inspire others.
Some quickies about your personal life, such as..
Your birth date: 25th September, 1962
Hobbies: Music, Movies, Traveling, Writing, Drawing and learning various software.
Favorite dishes: Sizzlers, Barbeque, Pizza, Pasta, Mexican dishes and Gujarati Thali
(I’m strictly vegetarian)
Favorite quotes: Chang your mind, change your life
Favorite movies: Lots of them, Charlie Chaplin’s movies in particular.
Books you would suggest others to read are: I like fictions and short stories.
Speakbindas: The hardest psychic case you solved:
Dr. Bhachech: Man who killed his wife out of suspicion that she was giving something in food to sedate him, to enjoy sexual relationship with other males. Man was schizophrenic and given life time imprisonment. I treated him for the same and he revert back to his normal life.
Speakbindas: Any special message to Speakbindas readers.
Dr. Bhachech: Life is a onetime chance. Enjoy at its fullest and leave your foot marks by some meaningful contribution to mankind.
Thank you Dr. Bhachech, for taking time out of your tight schedule and sharing such valuable time with Speakbindas. We are truly honored.
Wow! This is the first time, I am seeing Dr. Bhachech! I am fan of his column in Gujarat Samachar. Articles na topics kharekhar unique hoy chhe. Keep it up Dr. Bhachech. You are truly a mentor of youth.
Thanks, Devang for bringing Dr. Bhachech here.
good doctor of Hanshal bachech
its a great chance to read this interview of dr. hansal bhachech. i m his fan.aje a interview thi emna vise ghanu janva malyu .he is a good psyciatrist nd excelent human being also.we all thankful to him for his work done for human relationship nd malefemale.in.thank u sir nd thank u speakbindas for this nice interview.
i like more dr. bhachech than his interview.. he is the great person , soft spoken, with great humours and also a sensible poet 2. ajnaya loko ne pan atmiyata thi potana hovano ahesas karave teva. i ve seen him for d first time in this interview. m also a hardcore fan of his articles.. i do judge my relations from his articles.. good going.. young generation j shu kam, mid age couples also need help for their mutual relation. hansal bhachech is the one and only who guide them through shatdal.
very first time i read book” pan hu to tane prem karu chhu” and i am so impresssed that could get my real position.i am reading this book very interestingly. i want much more book if publish.
Hey, this is for the 1st time i have seen Dr.Bhachech. I am a big fan of Dr.Bhachech. I am a regular reader of his column of Gujarat samachar. By reading his articles i have learn so many things in my life.
hey can any one give me Dr Bhachech’s email ID? or the way to ask question in Gujarat Samachar? I dont know how to ask qstn in newspaper.
You can ask him question at his website: http://malefemale.in/
Dr. Bhachech,
Your articles very inspiring in Guj Samachar. Can we get any book as compilations of many such articles authored by your good selves.
Kartik Vasavada
sir,i want to discuss on serious topic(” the suicide by the many girls due to get the cheated in relationship in glamer world,corporate world and the main in general simple world ” ) with u.and i’ve written an artical on it.i want to publish dis.because i want that people must know and think about the truth behind this type of cases.i’ve analised this type of cases.pls i hope u’ll recommanded me in the light of my strong thoughts to save the life of those girls.i’ll be waiting for ur positive reply
Mr hansal today your artical is vary nice yoru thout is impresiv i like your artical.
hello,sir.hu tamara artical regular vanchu chu, i m big fan of urs. mane pan ghanu badhu puchavu che & samjavu che. i need ur help.please mara sawal na jawab mane malse tevi asha sathe ….subh ratri……………
……..Hi Hansal jee, i’m from Surat, or me aapko thanks kehna chahta hu, kyunki Meri life me bhi anjane me kuch DEMENTORS ghus gaye they, unse kaise chhuta jaye ye hi uljhan me tha, tabhi aapke last 2 months ke Laagnio na mudde…..wale notes padhe or follow kiye !! aapke anubhavi lekh kaam aaye, Thanx Sir, Thank you !!