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Blogging is a great form of socialization: Shraddha



She goes by the pen name of Shraddha and is 34. She runs The Self Love Project – http:// www.theselfloveproject.com – which is about developing Self Love and Self Worth. She says “I blog through poetry, photos and writing. I love sharing blogging tips and writing about informative topics to spread awareness, Prematurity is my pet cause.”


Q: Welcome to Speakbindas. Tell us since when blogging has been a part of your life? Was there any motive or inspiration as a backbone of it?

  • A: I started blogging in 2006. My daughters were born 7 weeks preterm and that was the trigger to start blogging so that I could connect with parents in similar positions. I did all the classic blogging mistakes people do. Shared photos, names, location and everything with readers. When I realized my mistake, I deleted that blog. I still like blogging, so this time, I started smartly with a pen name and no personal photos.

Q: What is your blog all about? Which topics you cover there? Is that you alone running/maintaining the blog, or have a team?

  • A: My blog is about self love and developing self worth. I want it to be informative, motivational, fun and show case of my writing skills. Topics covered are Family, poetry, photography, blogging tips. My aim was to make it a group blog but the idea has not taken off yet.

Q.: How important is it for the blogger to interact with their readers? Do you respond to all the comments that you receive?

  • A: I used to before but not any more. Instead I just visit their blog and leave a comment. I feel that is more high yield. Everyone likes comments on their blog.

Q: What are the present statistics for your blog, i.e. number of daily visitors, visitors geographical status etc.?

  • A: I use statcounter for my blog statistics.
  • For Oct 2009: 4,803 page loads, 2,347 unique visitors, 1,782 first time visitors

Q: Is blogging for you just a passion or a medium for earning too? Does it help you to earn enough cash to quit a 9 to 5 day job?

  • A: I wish it did, but it does not.

Q: Who are your favorite bloggers, whom you read frequently?


  • www.my3boybarians.com
  • http://psychiatrist-blog.blogspot.com/
  • www.bitchphd.blogspot.com

Q: Do you believe that blogging completes you? If yes, tell us how?

  • A: I take photos that I might not have taken otherwise. I might have not written so much poetry otherwise. So yes, it does complete me in a way.

Q: What was the happiest and gloomiest moment of your life?

  • A: Happiest was when my daughters were born. Gloomiest was when my dad died.

Q: Say, you are sponsored to travel to 3 world destinations, where you need not to worry about costs for food, hotel or anything. Which destinations would you pick up, and why? Would you like to take someone along with you? If yes, whom?

  • A: Australia and New Zealand as many of my friends live there and I would like to visit them.I would like to go with my family. I would like to go to Disney again with my family.

Q: Are you into watching movies? If yes, which fills your list of favorite ones?

A: Yes. It was a lot before. Not so much nowadays.

  • Tare Zameen Par
  • Jodha Akbar

Q: How has blogging helped you other than money?

  • A: Yes, it’s a great form of socialization.

Q: What would be the one thing you’d change about yourself?

  • A: I would lose weight.

Q: What is your deepest fear?

  • A: I might not be able to lose weight ever.

Q: If you could meet one person, dead or alive, who would it be?

  • A: My daddy.

Q: How much money do you have in your purse/wallet right now (including change)?

  • A: 70$

Q: What is your favorite food? Any particular dislikes?

  • A: Dosa is favorite.
  • I dislike tinda.

Q: What’s your take on the technological advancement these days? Does it make people’s life simple or complicated?

  • A: Both. Too much of everything is bad.

Q: Any special message you would like to share with your blog readers as well with everyone else?

  • A: Don’t worry! Be Happy!


Devang Vibhakar is the Founder and Editor of www.SpeakBindas.com. He has interviewed more than 350 people. His effort was recognized by Limca Book of Records, twice. He has been to Scotland as well as Germany as part of vocational & cultural exchange programs and has compiled five books so far. He's passionate about bringing forth interesting stories & interviews of entrepreneurs to avid readers of SpeakBindas. He can be reached here.

4 thoughts on “Blogging is a great form of socialization: Shraddha

  1. Swaram says:

    Hey! Its so nice we have been featured @ the same time 🙂 Off to read now 🙂 Congrats 🙂

  2. Swaram says:

    Nice to know more abt u 🙂 Never knew u had a blog before too 🙂

  3. shraddha says:

    There is a typo on the article.
    I did not start blogging 7 weeks prior to their birth.
    My daughters were born 7 weeks preterm and that was the trigger to start blogging so that i could connect with parents in similar positions.

    Thanks for the opportunity.

    1. Hi Shraddha,

      The typo is rectified with the sentence you provided here, which looked so perfect for reading! 🙂

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