Birth of my daughters has to be the two happiest moments.
I was born on 8th September 1973 and currently live in Delhi NCR. I did my MBA in HR from XLRI , Jamshedpur and work as a Management Development professional and HR consultant.
I am an avid blogger on Business & Management issues as well as on Social Media issues. These feature thoughts and links that he finds interesting and wants to share with others.

Gautam has given talks on “Blogging for Business” at organizations. He’s frequently quoted in the press as an authority on business blogging. If you want to interview him or invite him to speak at a conference, e-mail him or call at +91-98731-41236.
Gautam’s blog has been listed by HRWorld amongst the top 25 HR blogs worldwide and also amongst the Career 100 – a list of the top 100 career related blogs globally in the English language. His blog is also featured on the Alltop Careers and Alltop India categories. Earlier the blog has been featured as a case study in the book Business Blogs: A Practical Guide
Currently he is a Consultant at Vyaktitva – performance support consulting firm.
His experience in the corporate world was as a HR Manager at Deloitte & Touche, and in organizations like Dell, Hewlett Packard and Satyam Computer Services. His work primarily has been in the learning and employee relations domain.
Q1: Welcome to Speakbindas. Tell us since when blogging has been a part of your life? Was there any motive or inspiration as a backbone of it?
- I started blogging in 2002 to capture my thoughts which I used to share with other HR professionals via email.
Q2: What is your blog all about? Which topics you cover there? Is that you alone running/maintaining the blog, or have a team?
- My is primarily about work, organizations and how they impact people. On I cover mostly social media, books and jobs.
Q3: What are the present statistics for your blog, i.e. number of daily visitors, visitors geographical status etc.?
- I have about 2500 readers on a daily basis on and about 150 visitors everyday to
Q4: Is blogging for you just a passion or a medium for earning too? Does it help you to earn enough cash to quit a 9 to 5 day job?
- It is primarily driven by passion and I don’t make enough cash to stop working.
Q5: Who are your favorite bloggers, whom you read frequently?
- I follow a lot of blogs – you can find them listed here
Q6: From the secret bucket of your blogging experiences, what tips you would like to share with the fellow bloggers?
- Focus on content and community. Build conversations. Link generously.
Q7: Do you believe that blogging completes you? If yes, tell us how?
- It does give me a way to write and reflect.
Q8: What was the happiest and gloomiest moment of your life?
- Birth of my daughters has to be the two happiest moments. Gloomiest would be losing my father.

Q9: Say, you are sponsored to travel to 3 world destinations, where you need not to worry about costs for food, hotel or anything. Which destinations would you pick up, and why? Would you like to take someone along with you? If yes, whom?
Would like to take my wife to these places
1. Venice – because its supposed to be very romantic
2. Seychelles – for the beaches
3. Chile – Would love to trek on the Andes mountains
Q10: Are you into watching movies? If yes, which fills your list of favorite ones?
- Nope
Q11: How has blogging helped you other than money?
- Have built lots of friends and connections
Q12: What would be the one thing you’d change about yourself?
- Nothing
Q13: What is your deepest fear?
- Anything happening to my family
Q14: If you could meet one person, dead or alive, who would it be?
- My dad
Q15: Which is your favorite television show? Favorite songs?
- None
Q16: How much money do you have in your purse/wallet right now (including change)?
- 2500
Q17: What is your favorite food? Any particular dislikes?
- I’ll eat anything

Q18: What’s your take on the technological advancement these days? Does it make people’s life simple or complicated?
- Some technologies make it simple – one has to use one’s own discretion and figure out how it makes sense in the larger scheme of things.
Q19: List out the 10 bloggers you believe should be interviewed by
- Amit Agarwal, Greatbong, Twilightfairy, Jhoomur Bose, Patrix, Aditya Mhatre, Ideasmithy, Diptakirti Chaudhuri, Anuja Byotra, Meenakshi Madhavan
Q20: Any special message you would like to share with your blog readers as well with everyone else?
- Chase your dreams – life is too short to let it go chasing the mundane concerns.