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Basic Tips Which Can Be Helpful to Crack An Entrance Exam

There are numbers of entrance exams in India, both at the state level and national level for which every year a pool of  students appear to give wings to their career in different streams including medical, engineering, law, management, arts, commerce, science etc. To name a few, entrance exams like KMAT exam, XAT entrance & CMAT exam are some of the few which for which maximum number of students appear.

It is quite clear that the number of students appearing for the entrance exams is way more than the number of seats available. Hence, one needs to be extra careful and prepared to get their name in the final list. There are few important things that if students do follow religiously, their chances of being ranked in the entrance exam prove to be better than others. Which are those basic things?

Plan and manage the time-table

You get maximum of 24 hours per day to study and you can’t study for all those 24 hours! So depending upon your schedule, prepare a time-table and then study accordingly. A minor change in it due to uncontroable circumstances is acceptable but otherwise follow it strictly. It will make you a disciplined student which will help you bear the desired fruits at the end! This helps psychologically too.

Refer to sample papers and previous years’ papers

Referring to sample papers as well as previous years’ papers gives you the idea of the system and how it works. Solve them with the momentum in a way that you’re giving the actual exam. This helps in getting adapted with the examination well in advance.

By-heart the formulas

There are some basic formulas that are helpful in solving the complex queries, by-heart them. It saves a lot of your time as well as gives confidence in moving forward.

Make trigger words to remember the lengthy topics

Remembering a lengthy topic is sometimes easy but then remembering the start of it sometimes becomes a hurdle. In such a case, make a trigger word for a theory or a lengthy topic that is most important. Make the trigger word or a short-note which is easy to remember. Hence, once you think of that trigger word, the theory itself starts coming out easily and nicely.

Build confidence and don’t give up – ever

Don’t think too much of the result but rather give utmost importance to the processes that are required to be done at the moment. Is it the time management? Is it the particular theory? Is it the particular formula? Is it the particular subject? Whatever requires your first attention, give justice to it. Try to fulfill all the processes that you’re going through at the moment and result will take care of it itself. And all through it, remain confident. A moment to give up will never arise if you’ve given enough consideration to these processes. Result has to come and it will.


Devang Vibhakar is the Founder and Editor of www.SpeakBindas.com. He has interviewed more than 350 people. His effort was recognized by Limca Book of Records, twice. He has been to Scotland as well as Germany as part of vocational & cultural exchange programs and has compiled five books so far. He's passionate about bringing forth interesting stories & interviews of entrepreneurs to avid readers of SpeakBindas. He can be reached here.

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