Home » Quotes » 899 Motivational Encouraging Quotes To About Life, Success, Self-help, Students and Work

899 Motivational Encouraging Quotes To About Life, Success, Self-help, Students and Work

Just do it.Nike
You matter.Anonymous
Be legendary.Nike
You are loved.Anonymous
I can and I will.Anonymous
Prove them wrong.Anonymous
Write the future.Nike
Dedicate yourself.Nike
No guts, no story.Chris Brady
Actually, you can.Anonymous
Focus on the good.Anonymous
Go hard or go home.Nike
You are doing great.Anonymous
Work hard. Dream big.Nike
Boldness be my friend.William Shakespeare
Keep going. Be all in.Bryan Hutchinson
Screw it, let’s do it.Richard Branson
My life is my argument.Albert Schweitzer
Dream big. Pray bigger.Anonymous
Clarity equals success.Greg McKeown
You can totally do this.Anonymous
The obstacle is the way.Ryan Holiday
Fear looks; faith jumps.Smith Wigglesworth
Leave no stone unturned.Euripides
Yes! Yes! You can do it!Anonymous
Success can’t be forced.Loretta Young
No pressure, no diamonds.Thomas Carlyle
Fight till the last gasp.William Shakespeare
Stay foolish to stay sane.Maxime Lagacé
Stay hungry. Stay foolish.Steve Jobs
We rise by lifting others.Anonymous
Trust the process of life.Anonymous
Say yes to new adventures.Anonymous
Applause waits on success.Benjamin Franklin
Success is a poor teacher.Robert Kiyosaki
Dream big and dare to fail.Norman Vaughan
I failed my way to success.Thomas Edison
Grind now. Greatness later.Anonymous
I can and I will. Watch me.Carrie Green
My success is not who I am.Judith Guest
Nothing fails like success.Alan Watts
You don’t get it by wishing.Nike
Be happy. Be bright. Be you.Anonymous
Stop selling. Start helping.Zig Ziglar
Hire character. Train skill.Peter Schutz
Change is the only constant.Anonymous
Success is never accidental.Jack Dorsey
Hard work never killed a man.Scottish proverb
No one ever drowned in sweat.U.S. Marine Corps
Remember that all is opinion.Marcus Aurelius
Every day is a second chance.Anonymous
Believe in new possibilities.Anonymous
80% of success is showing up.Woody Allen
You said ‘tomorrow’ yesterday.Anonymous
Don’t stop until you’re proud.Anonymous
Nothing succeeds like success.Alexandre Dumas
Success is the sum of details.Harvey S. Firestone
Make each day your masterpiece.John Wooden
You are amazing. Remember that.Anonymous
Darling, you are a work of art.Anonymous
Work to become, not to acquire.Elbert Hubbard
Failure is success in progress.Albert Einstein
Success is dependent on effort.Sophocles
Impossible is for the unwilling.John Keats
Rest in reason. Move in passion.Kahlil Gibran
If you lose faith, you lose all.Eleanor Roosevelt
Each day provides its own gifts.Marcus Aurelius
Happiness looks gorgeous on you.Anonymous
You are stronger than you think.Anonymous
Success is the sweetest revenge.Vanessa Williams
When nothing goes right, go left.Anonymous
Take the risk or lose the chance.Anonymous
Someday is not a day of the week.Denise Brennan-Nelson
Passion is the genesis of genius.Tony Robbins
Fortune sides with him who dares.Virgil
Fall seven times, stand up eight.Japanese proverb
Be so good they can’t ignore you.Steve Martin
Success is the child of audacity.Benjamin Disraeli
There are no gains without pains.Benjamin Franklin
One fails forward toward success.Charles Kettering
Giving up is simply not an option.Nike
You are capable of amazing things.Anonymous
A goal is a dream with a deadline.Napoleon Hill
Quality is the best business plan.John Lasseter
Courage is one step ahead of fear.Coleman Young
You cannot fail at being yourself.Wayne Dyer
Success tempts many to their ruin.Phaedrus
Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.Samuel Beckett
The best way out is always through.Robert Frost
If you can dream it, you can do it.Walt Disney
Think training is hard? Try losing.Nike
Create the things you wish existed.Anonymous
The only journey is the one within.Rainer Maria Rilke
Do not seek praise. Seek criticism.Paul Arden
You are somebody’s reason to smile.Anonymous
To fly, we have to have resistance.Maya Lin
To be great is to be misunderstood.Ralph Waldo Emerson
The best revenge is massive success.Frank Sinatra
Fall seven times and stand up eight.Japanese Proverb
Start unknown. Finish unforgettable.Nike
All great achievements require time.Maya Angelou
Nothing is worth more than this day.Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
You have to be odd to be number one.Dr. Seuss
The fool wonders, the wise man asks.Benjamin Disraeli
It’s just a bad day. Not a bad life.Anonymous
Play by the rules, but be ferocious.Phil Knight
When you let go, you are truly free.Anonymous
You can only lose what you cling to.Buddha
The harder I work, the luckier I get.Gary Player
There is no substitute for hard work.Thomas Edison
Failure’s not an option. It’s a step.Nike
If one has faith, one has everything.Ramakrishna
Time spent in prayer is never wasted.Francis Fenelon
Think like a proton, always positive.Anonymous
Please all, and you will please none.Aesop
A goal without a plan is just a wish.Anonymous
Success has always been a great liar.Friedrich Nietzsche
An obstacle is often a stepping stone.William Prescott
The more you learn, the more you earn.Frank Clark
I like criticism. It makes you strong.LeBron James
Hate hurts the hater more’n the hated.Madeleine L’Engle
Don’t call it a dream. Call it a plan.Anonymous
Don’t wait for opportunity. Create it.Anonymous
Success is the fruit of concentration.Navjot Singh Sidhu
Do one thing every day that scares you.Anonymous
All good work requires self-revelation.Sidney Lumet
Every professional was once an amateur.Nike
Good things happen to those who hustle.Anais Nin
Money grows on the tree of persistence.Japanese proverb
A goal properly set is halfway reached.Zig Ziglar
At the end of hardship comes happiness.Anonymous
Don’t dream your life, live your dream.Anonymous
Don’t let your fear decide your future.Shalane Flanagan
Whatever is good for your soul…do that.Anonymous
If you can dream it, you can achieve it.Zig Ziglar
The purpose of our lives is to be happy.Dalai Lama
If you can’t outplay them, outwork them.Ben Hogan
It’s only a crazy dream until you do it.Serena Williams
Money is usually attracted, not pursued.Jim Rohn
The principal part of faith is patience.George MacDonald
If it matters to you, you’ll find a way.Charlie Gilkey
Forget about style; worry about results.Bobby Orr
Whatever you do, do with all your might.Marcus Tullius Cicero
Dream without fear. Love without limits.Anonymous
Every noble work is at first impossible.Thomas Carlyle
You are stronger than you think you are.Anonymous
Hope never abandons you, you abandon it.George Weinberg
Every great dream begins with a dreamer.Harriet Tubman
What would you do if you weren’t afraid?Sheryl Sandberg
Tough times don’t last. Tough people do.Robert H. Schuller
From small beginnings come great things.Proverb
You are what you believe yourself to be.Paulo Coelho
The best dreams happen when you’re awake.Cherie Gilderbloom
The one thing that matters is the effort.Antoine de Saint-Exupery
I’d rather hustle 24/7 than slave 9 to 5.Anonymous
You can do anything you set your mind to.Anonymous
Believe you can and you’re halfway there.Theodore Roosevelt
Don’t go through life, grow through life.Eric Butterworth
If you’re going through hell, keep going.Winston Churchill
You don’t find will power, you create it.Anonymous
I’d rather hustle 24/7 then slave 9 to 5.Anonymous
Always be the hardest worker in the room.Anonymous
The best time for new beginnings, is now.Anonymous
Success is my only option, failure’s not.Eminem
Don’t count the days, make the days count.Muhammad Ali
The dreamers are the saviors of the world.James Allen
It wasn’t raining when Noah built the ark.Howard Ruff
If no one thinks you can then you have to.Nike
There are no mistakes, only opportunities.Tina Fey
We are twice armed if we fight with faith.Plato
Focus on the journey, not the destination.Greg Anderson
Once you choose hope, anything’s possible.Christopher Reeve
A smooth sea never made a skillful sailor.Anonymous
Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.Anonymous
Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever.Anonymous
Life is tough, my darling, but so are you.Stephanie Bennett-Henry
If you stumble, make it part of the dance.Anonymous
When you cease to dream you cease to live.Malcolm S. Forbes
Focus on being productive instead of busy.Tim Ferris
It’s not about perfect. It’s about effort.Jillian Michaels
If you get tired, learn to rest, not quit.Anonymous
Starve your distractions. Feed your focus.Anonymous
Let your hustle be louder than your mouth.Anonymous
Do what you love and the money will follow.Marsha Sinetar
Every man dies. Not every man really lives.William Wallace
You’re never a loser until you quit trying.Mike Ditka
If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.Milton Berle
Only in the darkness can you see the stars.Martin Luther King Jr
Fervent prayers produce phenomenal results.Woodrow Kroll
The wisest mind has something yet to learn.George Santanaya
Open your mind. Get up off the couch. Move.Anthony Bourdain
You make mistakes. Mistakes don’t make you.Anonymous
Once you learn to quit, it becomes a habit.Vince Lombardi Jr.
Don’t give up on yourself. You’re worth it.Anonymous
When the ‘why’ is clear, the ‘how’ is easy.Anonymous
It always seems impossible until it’s done.Nelson Mandela
Either you run the day, or the day runs you.Jim Rohn
Tough times never last, but tough people do.Dr. Robert Schuller
I will go anywhere as long as it is forward.David Livingston
Opportunities don’t happen. You create them.Chris Grosser
When a really great dream shows up, grab it!Larry Page
A man can’t ride your back unless it’s bent.Martin Luther King Jr
Sell the problem you solve, not the product.Anonymous
Goals may give focus, but dreams give power.John Maxwell
Look in the mirror. That’s your competition.Anonymous
This is the beginning, of anything you want.Anonymous
Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.Anonymous
Confidence is silent and insecurity is loud.Anonymous
Mediocrity always measures success by money.Thibaut
If the wind will not serve, take to the oars.Latin Proverb
The harder you push, the more you are pulled.Nike
So many things could happen with a hard work.Harry Vested Jr
Our future is our confidence and self-esteem.Tupac
Breathe. It’s just a bad day, not a bad life.Anonymous
I didn’t come this far to only come this far.Anonymous
Remember it’s just a bad day, not a bad life.Anonymous
People will see you the way you see yourself.Sergio Diaz
A minute’s success pays the failure of years.Robert Browning
I would rather die of passion than of boredom.Vincent van Gogh
Don’t wait. The time will never be just right.Napoleon Hill
If there is no struggle, there is no progress.Frederick Douglass
Action is the foundational key to all success.Pablo Picasso
Nothing in life that’s worth anything is easy.Barack Obama
It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up.Babe Ruth
I woult rather die of passion than of boredom.Émile Zola
I’m always perpetually out of my comfort zone.Tory Burch
The thickest sweats produce the sweetest life.Anonymous
Those people, who hate you, envy your freedom.Santosh Kalwar
A problem is a chance for you to do your best.Duke Ellington
Don’t raise your voice. Improve your argument.Anonymous
Chop your own wood and it will warm you twice.Henry Ford
Someone busier than you is grinding right now.Anonymous
No one cares about your problems. Work harder.Anonymous
You must do the thing you think you cannot do.Eleanor Roosevelt
What you choose to focus on expands and grows.Anonymous
Confidence comes from discipline and training.Robert Kiyosaki
The secret of success is constancy of purpose.Benjamin Disraeli
Slow and steady is better than fast and shaky.Maxime Lagacé
Champions keep playing until they get it right.Billie Jean King
Change your thoughts and you change your world.Norman Vincent Peale
If you aren’t going all the way, why go at all?Joe Namath
I never dreamed about success, I worked for it.Estee Lauder
If it doesn’t challenge you it wont change you.Anonymous
Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.Suzy Kassem
I never dreamed about success. I worked for it.Estee Lauder
Pessimism leads to weakness, optimism to power.William James
Don’t wish it were easier. Wish you were betterJim Rohn
The sweat. The time. The devotion. It pays off.Anonymous
The secret of getting ahead is getting started.Anonymous
Everything has beauty, but not everyone can see.Confucius
Winning isn’t everything, but wanting to win is.Vince Lombardi
Don’t wish it were easier, wish you were better.Jim Rohn
Don’t wish it were easier. Wish you were better.Jim Rohn
There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.Beverly Sills
The best people want to work the big challenges.Larry Page
Work harder on yourself than you do on your job.Jim Rohn
Some people are so poor, all they have is money.Jack Kerouac
You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do.Anonymous
Never give up. You only get one life. Go for it.Richard E. Grant
I will prepare and some day my chance will come.Abraham Lincoln
If you’re still broke…the grind includes Sunday!Anonymous
Invest in your dream. Grind now and shine later.Anonymous
Winning is a habit. Unfortunately, so is losing.Vince Lombardi
Be true to your work, your word, and your friend.Henry David Thoreau
In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.Sun Tzu
Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire?Corrie Ten Boom
Be faithful to that which exists within yourself.André Gide
An aim in life is the only fortune worth finding.Robert Louis Stevenson
You don’t manifest dreams without taking chances.Stephen Richards
If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you.Anonymous
A year from now…we’ll see who was really working.Anonymous
Work hard in silence. Let success make the noise.Anonymous
Train your mind to see the good in any situation.Anonymous
It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.Sir Edmund Hillary
When it comes to success, there are no shortcuts.Bo Bennett
Without hustle, talent will only carry you so far.Gary Vaynerchuk
Your goals, minus your doubts, equal your reality.Ralph Marston
All generalizations are false, including this one.Mark Twain
It’s going to be hard. But hard is not impossible.Anonymous
A little progress each day adds up to big results.Anonymous
You are the only one who can limit your greatness.Anonymous
Never give up. Great things take time. Be patient.Anonymous
Passion first and everything will fall into place.Holly Holm
I’ve got a dream that is worth more than my sleep.Eric Thomas
You will evolve past certain people. Let yourself.Mandy Hale
The first and greatest victory is to conquer self.Plato
I do not pray for success, I ask for faithfulness.Mother Teresa
You sleep on a win and you’ll wake up with a loss.Conor McGregor
The ladder of success is never crowded at the top.Napoleon Hill
The best way to predict the future is to invent it.Alan Kay
Every strike brings me closer to the next home run.Babe Ruth
The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn.Ralph Waldo Emerson
It’s time to start living the life you’ve imagined.Henry James
One must work and dare if one really wants to live.Vincent van Gogh
Never expose the sweat and labor behind your poise.Robert Greene
A year from now you may wish you had started today.Karen Lamb
Who you are tomorrow begins with what you do today.Tim Fargo
To hell with circumstances; I create opportunities.Bruce Lee
Not he who has much is rich, but he who gives much.Erich Fromm
Persistence guarantees that results are inevitable.Paramahansa Yogananda
In life you need either inspiration or desperation.Tony Robbins
One day I’ll be at the place I always wanted to be.Anonymous
The best way to predict the future is to create it.Abraham Lincoln
I’m not here to be average, I’m here to be awesome.Unknown
Those at the top of the mountain didn’t fall there.Anonymous
Skill is only developed by hours and hours of work.Usain Bolt
Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.Theodore Roosevelt
Be content to act, and leave the talking to others.Baltasar
Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom.George S. Patton
Have no fear of perfection – you’ll never reach it.Salvador Dali
You must be the change you wish to see in the world.Gandhi
It is never too late to be what you might have been.George Eliot
Never let your memories be greater than your dreams.Doug Ivester
Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity.Seneca
I planned my success. I knew it was going to happen.Erykah Badu
I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees.Euripides
Push yourself because no one else is going to do it.Anonymous
Success is what comes after you stop making excuses.Luis Galarza
The best way to predict your future is to create it.Peter Drucker
Sooner or later we’ve all got to let go of our past.Dan Brown
The true success is the person who invented himself.Al Goldstein
Don’t tell people your plans. Show them your results.Anonymous
The only way to do great work is to love what you do.Steve Jobs
When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.Lao Tzu
The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.Lao Tzu
Stop chasing the money and start chasing the passion.Tony Hsieh
Inspiration is the windfall from hard work and focus.Helen Hanson
My life will be the best illustration of all my work.Hans Christian Andersen
Let him that would move the world first move himself.Socrates
Failure is not the falling down but the staying down.Anonymous
Every accomplishment begins with the decision to try.Anonymous
Life is about making an impact, not making an income.Kevin Kruse
The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.Albert Einstein
It’s not about ideas. It’s about making ideas happen.Anonymous
You are so much more than what you are going through.John Tew
Don’t settle for easy. Grind hard and make it happen.Anonymous
Success is what comes after your stop making excuses.Luis Galarza
Last night I lost the world, and gained the universe.C. JoyBell C.
I am not what I have done, I am what I have overcome.Anonymous
Stop doubting yourself. Work hard and make it happen.Anonymous
With confidence you have won before you have started.Marcus Garvey
If you have no critics you’ll likely have no success.Malcolm X
Measure your success according to fun and creativity.Anita Roddick
19. All progress takes place outside the comfort zone.Michael John Bobak
Victory is paid for in sweat, courage and preparation.Nike
Those who aim at great deeds must also suffer greatly.Plutarch
Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard.Kevin Durant
Start every day off with a smile and get it over with.W. C. Fields
If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else.Booker T. Washington
Everything that is done in this world is done by hope.Martin Luther
A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds.Francis Bacon
If the plan doesn’t work change the plan not the goal.Anonymous
You don’t gain anything from stressing. Remember that.Anonymous
Difficult roads always lead to beautiful destinations.Zig Ziglar
Hustle until you no longer have to introduce yourself.Anonymous
You are only confined by the walls you build yourself.Anonymous
In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can.Nikos Kazantzakis
Perseverance is the act of true role models and heroes.Liza Wiemer
The only thing that will redeem mankind is cooperation.Bertrand Russell
The only impossible journey is the one you never begin.Tony Robbins
Set your goals high, and don’t stop till you get there.Bo Jackson
Self-belief and hard work will always earn you success.Virat Kohli
To avoid criticism say nothing, do nothing, be nothing.Elbert Hubbard
The harder the struggle, the more glorious the triumph.Anonymous
Chase your dreams. Don’t wait til the dreams come true.Greyson Chance
Innovation distinguishes between a leader and follower.Steve Jobs
When you let go, you create space for something better.Anonymous
Sometimes you have to just let go and see what happens.Anonymous
Focus on what you want rather than what you don’t want.Anonymous
The maximum success is reached when you are never busy.Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor.Truman Capote
Don’t be pushed by your problems. Be led by your dreams.Ralph Waldo Emerson
Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.John D. Rockefeller
You just have to put in 80 to 100 hour weeks every week.Elon Musk
Never give up, stay focused, stay positive, stay strong.Anonymous
Train yourself to let go of the things you fear to lose.George Lucas
Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.Seneca
Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.Arthur Ashe
Wanting something is not enough. You must hunger for it.Les Brown
Be addicted to the feeling of having your shit together.Anonymous
Excuses will always be there for you. Opportunity won’t.Anonymous
Sometimes painful endings bring the best new beginnings.Shae Ross
Accept yourself, love yourself, and keep moving forward.Roy T. Bennett
Before anything else, preparation is the key to success.Alexander Graham Bell
Money won’t create success, the freedom to make it will.Nelson Mandela
Life is what we make it, always has been, always will be.Grandma Moses
Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.RyunosukeSatoro
Prayer does not change God, but it changes him who prays.Soren Kierkegaard
Remember that guy that gave up? Neither does anyone else.Anonymous
That’s what life is for: dreaming and chasing that dream!Avijeet Das
The purpose of business is to create and keep a customer.Peter F. Drucker
We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey.Kenji Miyazawa
When you feel like quitting, think about why you started.Anonymous
When you find your why, you find a way to make it happen.Eric Thomas
Forget what hurt you but never forget what it taught you.Anonymous
Just keep going. Everybody gets better if they keep at it.Ted Williams
The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.Walt Disney
The humblest tasks get beautified if loving hands do them.Louisa May Alcott
Success is three parts hard work and one part serendipity.Ken Poirot
Don’t forget the simplest rule: work first, wealth second.MaximeLagacé
Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.Jim Rohn
It’s okay to not be okay as long as you are not giving up.Anonymous
It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.Henry David Thoreau
We are made to persist. That’s how we find out who we are.Tobias Wolff
Don’t worry about failure; you only have to be right once.Drew Houston
A satisfied customer is the best business strategy of all.Michael LeBoeuf
To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.Winston Churchill
Focus on your goal. Don’t look in any direction but ahead.Anonymous
We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.Maya Angelou
The path to success is to take massive, determined action.Tony Robbins
What we fear doing most is usually what we most need to do.Tim Ferriss
Even if you fall on your face, you’re still moving forward.Victor Kiam
Some people dream of success while others wake up and work.Unknown
A sign of a hard worker is one who works without complaint.Sarah Price
Everyone who got where he is has had to begin where he was.Robert Louis Stevenson
You don’t get what you wish for. You get what you work for.Anonymous
Make the most of yourself….for that is all there is of you.Ralph Waldo Emerson
Building a mission and building a business go hand in hand.Mark Zuckerberg
It is easy to make promises – it is hard work to keep them.Boris Johnson
Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.Anonymous
Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth.John F. Kennedy
I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.Thomas Jefferson
Never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense.Winston Churchill
No matter how hard you work, someone else is working harder.Elon Musk
My father taught me to work; he did not teach me to love it.Abraham Lincoln
I am who I am today because of the choices I made yesterday.Anonymous
If you don’t stand for something you will fall for anything.Gordon A. Eadie
We can do anything we want to if we stick to it long enough.Helen Keller
I may not be there yet but I am closer than I was yesterday!Anonymous
Do something today that your future self will thank you for.Anonymous
Push yourself because no one else is going to do it for you.Anonymous
Do something now; your future self will thank you for later.Anonymous
Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are.Marilyn Monroe
The biggest challenge after success is shutting up about it.Criss Jami
I didn’t fail the test. I just found 100 ways to do it wrong.Benjamin Franklin
What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say.Ralph Waldo Emerson
The secret to success is to know something nobody else knows.Aristotle Onassis
All successes begin with self-discipline. It starts with you.Dwayne Johnson
If you feel like giving up, look back at how far you’ve come.Anonymous
There is no saint without a past, no sinner without a future.Augustine of Hippo
You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated.Maya Angelou
You’ve got to be willing to lose everything to gain yourself.Iyanla Vanzant
Walk on with hope in your heart, and you’ll never walk alone.Shah Rukh Khan
If the plan doesn’t work, change the plan but never the goal.Anonymous
Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.Robert F. Kennedy
Be stubborn about your goals and flexible about your methods.Anonymous
Focus on doing the right things instead of a bunch of things.Mike Krieger
Suffer the pain of discipline. Or, suffer the pain of regret.Anonymous
If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way.Napoleon Hill
Your imagination is your preview of life’s coming attractions.Albert Einstein
Work hard now, suffer and keep it up. Rewards are at the edge.MaximeLagacé
Great things come from hard work and perseverance. No excuses.Kobe Bryant
Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything.Colin Kaepernick
The more I want to get something done the less I call it work.Richard Bach
What we fear of doing most is usually what we most need to do.Ralph Waldo Emerson
Prayer should be the key of the day and the lock of the night.George Herbert
Nothing is complete and thus nothing is exempt from criticism.James Luther Adams
Go forth on your path, as it exists only through your walking.Augustine of Hippo
It’s never too late and you’re never too old to become better.Anonymous
The more I want to get something done, the less I call it work.Richard Bach
Obsessed is just a word the lazy use to describe the dedicated.Russell Warren
Always make a total effort, even when the odds are against you.Arnold Palmer
There’s no way around doing the work it takes to get you there.Joyce Chapman
To give anything less than your best, is to sacrifice the gift.Steve Prefontaine
Every moment wasted looking back, keeps us from moving forward.Hillary Clinton
Build your own dreams or someone will hire you to build theirs.Farrah Gray
Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do.Benjamin Franklin
Like the morning sun, you too shall rise and continue to shine.Anonymous
I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.Thomas Edison
The pain you feel today will be the strength you feel tomorrow.Anonymous
Talk to yourself in the same way you would to someone you love.Brene Brown
It’s not whether you get knocked down; it’s whether you get up.Vince Lombardi
Keep your face to the sunshine and you can never see the shadow.Helen Keller
The secret of success is to do the common thing uncommonly well.John D. Rockefeller Jr.
There’s no talent here, this is hard work. This is an obsession.Conor McGregor
If everything seems under control, you’re not going fast enough.Mario Andretti
Work isn’t meaningful just because you spend your life doing it.Anthony Marra
Amateurs are busy and tense. Professionals are calm and focused.MaximeLagacé
Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out.Robert Collier
Be not afraid of going slowly. Be afraid only of standing still.Chinese proverb
If you want something new, you have to stop doing something old.Peter F. Drucker
We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.Winston Churchill
People with goals succeed because they know where they’re going.Earl Nightingale
It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.Confucius
Great works are performed, not by strength, but by perseverance.Samuel Johnson
A good goal is like a strenuous exercise – it makes you stretch.Mary Kay Ash
What did you do today to bring you one step closer to your goal?Anonymous
I attribute my success to this: I never gave or took any excuse.Florence Nightingale
You don’t want to look back and know you could have done better.Anonymous
I close my eyes to old ends and open my heart to new beginnings.Anonymous
Don’t be afraid of change, it is leading you to a new beginning.Anonymous
Behind every successful man there’s a lot of unsuccessful years.Bob Brown
My secret for success? I don’t know what the hell success means.Al Lewis
Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.John Lennon
It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation.Herman Melville
Try not to become a man of success. Rather become a man of value.Albert Einstein
The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus.Bruce Lee
Never slow down for the world, one day it will catch-up with you.Anonymous
If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you. Make it burn.Nike
Don’t blame others as an excuse for your not working hard enough.Anonymous
Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction.John F. Kennedy
Set a goal that makes you want to jump out of bed in the morning.Anonymous
Don’t give up on your dreams, or your dreams will give up on you.John Wooden
Focus is a matter of deciding what things you’re not going to do.John Carmack
Definiteness of purpose is the starting point of all achievement.W. Clement Stone
Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.Bill Gates
Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.R Colier
Rise up. Start fresh. See the bright opportunity in each new day.Anonymous
There’s an important difference between giving up and letting go.Jessica Hatchigan
Every day is a new beginning. Take a deep breath and start again.Anonymous
I don’t dwell on success. Maybe that’s one reason I’m successful.Calvin Klein
The secret of success is to do the common things uncommonly well.John D. Rockefeller
All you need is ignorance and confidence and the success is sure.Mark Twain
Be brave when you are scared, and humble when you are victorious.Anonymous
You must not only aim right, but draw the bow with all your might.Henry David Thoreau
To succeed in life, you need two things: ignorance and confidence.Mark Twain
There is no substitute for hard work. Always be humble and hungry.Dwayne Johnson
You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it.Anonymous
Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.Anonymous
The first place where self-esteem begins its journey is within us.Stephen Richards
The master has failed more times than the beginner has even tried.Stephen McCranie
Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.Benjamin Franklin
All our dreams can come true–if we have the courage to pursue them.Walt Disney
Talent wins games but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.Michael Jordan
Every day may not be good but there is something good in every day.Anonymous
You’re allowed to scream. You’re allowed to cry. But don’t give up.Anonymous
A dream becomes a goal when action is taken toward its achievement.Bo Bennett
Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.Anonymous
Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.Steve Jobs
Nothing builds self-esteem and self-confidence like accomplishment.Thomas Carlyle
One can have no smaller or greater mastery than mastery of oneself.Leonardo da Vinci
The people who succeed are irrationally passionate about something.Naval Ravikant
There’s a lot of blood, sweat, and guts between dreams and success.Paul Bryant
You make a living by what you get; you make a life by what you give.Winston Churchill
Nothing important was ever achieved without someone taking a chance.H. Jackson Brown, Jr
The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.Vidal Sassoon
All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.Walt Disney
In the name of God, stop a moment, cease your work, look around you.Leo Tolstoy
Decide what you want, and then act as if it were impossible to fail.Brian Tracy
When you pray as much as you work; you achieve as much as you dream.Keysha Jade
I will feel no guilt on shutting my door to those who didn’t listen.Stefan Molyneux
We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.Winston Churchill
Train your mind to see the positive in any situation and keep going.Anonymous
It’s not whether you get knocked down. It’s whether you get back up.Vince Lombardi
If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else.Yogi Berra
Create a vision that makes you wanna jump out of bed in the morning.Anonymous
You won’t get much done if you grind only on the days you feel good.Anonymous
Every story has an end, but in life every ending is a new beginning.Anonymous
The man who does not value himself, cannot value anything or anyone.Ayn Rand
Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect.Ralph Waldo Emerson
Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs.Farrah Gray
Happiness is not something readymade. It comes from your own actions.Dalai Lama
I don’t regret the things I’ve done, I regret the things I didn’t do.Lucas
Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.Henry David Thoreau
Success is simple. Do what’s right, the right way, at the right time.Arnold H. Glascow
If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.Isaac Newton
The thermometer of success is merely the jealousy of the malcontents.Salvador Dali
It’s so strange that autumn is so beautiful; yet everything is dying.Anonymous
I don’t care how long it takes me, but I’m going somewhere beautiful.Anonymous
Nobody but you have to believe in your dreams to make them a reality.Germany Kent
Work so hard that one day your signature will be called an autograph.Anonymous
It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.Aristotle Onassis
Keep going. Everything you need will come to you at the perfect time.Anonymous
Grind while they sleep. Learn while they party. Live like they dream.Anonymous
You can’t have a million dollar dream with a minimum wage work ethic.Anonymous
You have to be at your strongest when you’re feeling at your weakest.Anonymous
Why let go of yesterday? Because yesterday has already let go of you.Steve Maraboli
Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.Winston Churchill
Nothing great in the world has ever been accomplished without passion.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
The only way to build a strong work ethic is getting your hands dirty.Alex Spanos
I’ve been all over the world and I’ve never seen a statue of a critic.Leonard Bernstein
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.Eleanour Roosevelt
The odds of hitting your target go up dramatically when you aim at it.Mal Pancoast
Dreams are extremely important. You can’t do it unless you imagine it.George Lucas
If you really look closely, most overnight successes took a long time.Steve Jobs
Always look for the fool in the deal. If you don’t find one, it’s you.Mark Cuban
Success doesn’t just come and find you, you have to go out and get it.Anonymous
If you feel like giving up, just look back on how far you are already.Anonymous
Forgiveness says you are given another chance to make a new beginning.Desmond Tutu
The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.Jimmy Johnson
When he worked, he really worked. But when he played, he really played.Dr. Seuss
Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.Thomas Edison
Blood, sweat and respect. The first two you give, the last one you get.Anonymous
Faith does not eliminate questions. But faith knows where to take them.Elisabeth Elliot
It is better to live one day as a lion, than a thousand days as a lamb.Roman proverb
Victory is always possible for the person who refuses to stop fighting.Napoleon Hill
To be successful, the first thing to do is fall in love with your work. Sister Mary Lauretta
Don’t spend time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door.Coco Chanel
If you want it, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse.Anonymous
Don’t try to be perfect. Just try to be better than you were yesterday.Anonymous
Don’t think about what might go wrong. Think about what might go right.Anonymous
Success is leaving a good path, or even better, leaving no path at all.Maxime Lagacé
Success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.Winston Churchill
The road to success and the road to failure are almost exactly the same.Colin R. Davis
If you have faith when you pray, you will be given whatever you ask for.Matthew 21:22, The Bible
Sometimes there’s not a better way. Sometimes there’s only the hard way.Mary E. Pearson
You will never change your life until you change something you do daily.Mike Murdoch
Can anything be sadder than work left unfinished? Yes; work never begun.Christina Rossetti
The man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd.James Crook
Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.Winston S. Churchill
You will never always be motivated. You have to learn to be disciplined.Anonymous
Your positive action combined with positive thinking results in success.Anonymous
It’s not who you are that holds you back, it’s who you think you’re not.Anonymous
The best way to gain self-confidence is to do what you are afraid to do.Swati Sharma
You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don’t try.Beverly Sills
Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.Les Brown
The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.Joseph Joubert
To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.Oscar Wilde
The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do.Unknown
Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life.Confucius
Only in recent history has working hard signaled pride rather than shame.Nassim Nicholas Taleb
If hard work was so wonderful, the rich would keep it all for themselves.Yiddish saying
Never let your work drive you. Master it and keep it in complete control.Booker T. Washington
Life can be pulled by goals just as surely as it can be pushed by drives.Viktor E. Frankl
I will permit no man to narrow and degrade my soul by making me hate him.Booker T. Washington
Don’t find customers for your products, find products for your customers.Seth Godin
Deep inside you…there is a person who refuses to be kept deep inside you.Anonymous
If you want to be successful, find out what the price is and then pay it.Scott Adam
Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.Maya Angelou
Never give up on something that you can’t go a day without thinking about.Anonymous
22. If you really look closely, most overnight successes took a long time.Steve Jobs
The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.Franklin D. Roosevelt
Always go with your passions. Never ask yourself if it’s realistic or not.Deepak Chopra
Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.Tony Robbins
Know this above all else, God hears and answers every one of your prayers.Anonymous
Everyone wants to ride the train but not everyone wants to lay the tracks.Anonymous
Replace those thoughts of worry with thoughts of hope, faith, and victory.Joel Osteen
The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.Ralph Waldo Emerson
Even the greatest were beginners. Don’t be afraid to take that first step.Anonymous
90% of your plans are going to fail no matter what you do. Get used to it.Mark Manson
To be able to look back upon one’s life in satisfaction, is to live twice.Kahlil Gibran
Climb the mountain so you can see the world, not so the world can see you.Anonymous
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.Aristotle
Freedom is not the absence of commitments, but the ability to choose yours.Paulo Coelho
21. Don’t let the fear of losing be greater than the excitement of winning.Robert Kiyosaki
Never stop trying. Never stop believing. Never give up. Your day will come.Anonymous
In life, many things do not go according to plan. If you fall, get back up.Anonymous
In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.Robert Frost
There is a difference between giving up and knowing when you’ve had enough.Anonymous
Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.Martin Luther King
Keep your head up. God gives his hardest battles to his strongest soldiers.Anonymous
Confidence is something you create in yourself by believing in who you are.Anonymous
If you’re offered a seat on a rocket ship, don’t ask what seat! Just get on.Sheryl Sandberg
The caterpillar does all the work, but the butterfly gets all the publicity.George Carlin
Work and you’ll get what you need; work harder and you’ll get what you want.PrabakaranThirumalai
Quality is never an accident. It is always the result of intelligent effort.John Ruskin
The trouble with opportunity is that it always comes disguised as hard work.Anonymous
Never underestimate the power you have to take your life in a new direction.Germany Kent
Setting goals is the first step into turning the invisible into the visible.Tony Robbins
Go as far as you can see; when you get there, you’ll be able to see further.Thomas Carlyle
Success is what happens after you have survived all of your disappointments.Anonymous
5AM – The hour where either legends are either waking up or, going to sleep.Anonymous
Some of us think holding on makes us strong, but sometimes it is letting go.Herman Hesse
Find somebody to be successful for. Raise their hopes. Think of their needs.Barack Obama
Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.Will Rogers
The artist is nothing without the gift, but the gift is nothing without work.Émile Zola
Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment.Oprah Winfrey
It has been my philosophy of life that difficulties vanish when faced boldly.Isaac Asimov
No matter where you are on your journey, that’s exactly where you need to be.Oprah Winfrey
If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at will change.Anonymous
You don’t always get what you wish for. But you always get what you work for.Anonymous
Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.Confucius
Discipline is just choosing between what you want now and what you want most.Anonymous
Grind and hustle for you. Not because you care about what other people think.Anonymous
If you’re brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello.Paulo Coehlo
Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.Winston Churchill
It’s no wonder that truth is stranger than fiction. Fiction has to make sense.Mark Twain
What counts can’t always be counted; what can be counted doesn’t always count.Albert Einstein
The one who falls and gets up is so much stronger than the one who never fell.Anonymous
What the mind can conceive and believe, and the heart desire, you can achieve.Norman Vincent Peale
If you are persistent you will get it. If you are consistent you will keep it.Unknown
I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.Anonymous
The struggle you’re in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow.Anonymous
Networking is not collecting contacts! Networking is about planting relations.Anonymous
He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.Muhammad Ali
I feel a new beginning coming towards me and I’m running to it with open arms.Anonymous
Sometimes the hardest part isn’t letting go but rather learning to start over.Nicole Sobon
So many others before you have changed their life for the better. Why not you?Anonymous
Confidence comes not from always being right but from not fearing to be wrong.Peter T. Mcintyre
The only one who can tell you ‘you can’t’ is you. And you don’t have to listen.Nike
Hard work without talent is a shame, but talent without hard work is a tragedy.Robert Half
Many an opportunity is lost because a man is out looking for four-leaf clovers.Anonymous
The dream that keeps you awake at night is the one that you must keep dreaming.MaximeLagacé
The harder you work for something, the greater you’ll feel when you achieve it.Anonymous
Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.Henry Ford
Your talent is God’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God.Anonymous
Successful people are not gifted; they just work hard, then succeed on purpose.Anonymous
Making a big life change can be scary but living with regret is always scarier.Anonymous
What you don’t sweat out when you’re young will turn into tears when you’re old.Japanese proverb
I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life — and that is why I succeed.Michael Jordan
Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle.Abraham Lincoln
When you want to be successful as bad as you breathe, then you’ll be successful.Eric Thomas
Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen.Michael Jordan
Don’t pay any attention to what they write about you. Just measure it in inches.Andy Warhol
As a well-spent day brings happy sleep, so a life well spent brings happy death.Leonardo da Vinci
Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it.Earl Nightingale
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.Henry David Thoreau
Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.T.S. Eliot
Whenever you see a successful business, someone once made a courageous decision.Peter Drucker
The biggest mistake a small business can make is to think like a small business.Anonymous
What you think of yourself is much more important than what people think of you.Anonymous
I can accept failure. Everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying.Michael Jordan
The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease for ever to be able to do it.J.M. Barrie
Once you have commitment, you need the discipline and hard work to get you there.Haile Gebrselassie
Confidence and hard work is the best medicine to kill the disease called failure.Abdul Kalam
Dreams become regrets when left in the mind, never planted in the soil of action.Auliq-Ice
The most important thing to do if you find yourself in a hole is to stop digging.Warren Buffett
When you know what you want, and want it bad enough, you’ll find a way to get it.Jim Rohn
Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.Mahatma Gandhi
Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.Vince Lombardi
If you are not where you want to be its because you are not grinding hard enough.Anonymous
Plans are only good intentions unless they immediately degenerate into hard work.Peter Drucker
We live in the kind of society where, in almost all cases, hard work is rewarded.Neil deGrasse Tyson
There is only one way to avoid criticism: do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing.Aristotle
Talent is crap. 50% of my success comes from luck. 50% comes from never giving up.MaximeLagacé
Today I will do what others won’t, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can’t.Jerry Rice
Success is most often achieved by those who don’t know that failure is inevitable.Coco Chanel
Life is fragile. We’re not guaranteed a tomorrow so give it everything you’ve got.Tim Cook
Everything is going to be okay in the end. If it’s not the okay, it’s not the end.Anonymous
Life is not about how fast you run or how high you climb, but how well you bounce.Vivian Komori
Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose.Bill Gates
If you are not willing to risk the usual, you will have to settle for the ordinary.Jim Rohn
I’m a greater believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it.Thomas Jefferson
Enthusiasm is the mother of effort, and without it nothing great was ever achieved.Ralph Waldo Emerson
Though you can love what you do not master, you cannot master what you do not love.Anonymous
You are amazing. As you are. Stronger than you know. More beautiful than you think.Tia Sparkles
It’s not what you achieve, it’s what you overcome. That’s what defines your career.Carlton Fisk
Set a goal so big that you can’t achieve it until you grow into the person who can.Anonymous
You’re not going to become a beast overnight. Grind every day until you become one.Anonymous
Life without endeavor is like entering a jewel mine and coming out with empty hands.Japanese proverb
Opportunity is missed by most because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.Thomas Edison
To succeed, work hard, never give up and above all, cherish a magnificent obsession.Walt Disney
When it comes to getting things done, we need fewer architects and more bricklayers.Colleen C. Barrett
Good things come to those who wait. But better things come to those who work for it.Anonymous
You will face your greatest opposition when you are closest to your biggest miracle.Shannon L. Alder
The hated man is the result of his hater’s pride rather than his hater’s conscience.Criss Jami
Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.Winston Churchill
Determination is doing what needs to be done even when you don’t feel like doing it.Anonymous
The only thing worse than starting something and failing… is not starting something.Seth Godin
At first they’ll ask you why you’re doing it. Later, they’ll ask you how you did it.Anonymous
Results happen over time, not overnight. Work hard, stay consistent, and be patient.Anonymous
Don’t expect people to understand your grind when God did not give them your vision.Anonymous
Realize that if a door closed, it’s because what was behind it wasn’t meant for you.Mandy Hale
That some achieve great success, is proof to all that others can achieve it as well.Abraham Lincoln
Success in life comes not from holding a good hand, but in playing a poor hand well.Denis Waitley
Don’t worry about failures, worry about the chances you miss when you don’t even try.Jack Canfield
When you live for a strong purpose, then hard work isn’t an option. It’s a necessity.Steve Pavlina
Men die of boredom, psychological conflict and disease. They do not die of hard work.David Ogilvy
Part 1. So you were born to feel nice? Instead of doing things and experiencing them?Marcus Aurelius
When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor.Elon Musk
Maybe it won’t work out. But maybe seeing if it does will be the best adventure ever.Anonymous
Tough people are not born. They’re made when there’s no one there to dry their tears.Anonymous
Don’t be pushed around by the fears in your mind. Be led by the dreams in your heart.Roy T. Bennett
When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place.Anonymous
Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.Winston S. Churchill
Your purpose in life is to find your purpose and give your whole heart and soul to it.Buddha
Work for something because it is good, not just because it stands a chance to succeed.Vaclav Havel
With slight efforts, how can we obtain great results? It is foolish even to desire it.Euripides
If you desire to make a difference in the world, you must be different from the world.Anonymous
Your friends will believe in your potential, your enemies will make you live up to it.Tim Fargo
There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.Paulo Coelho
The golden rule for every business man is this: Put yourself in your customer’s place.Orison Swett Marden
Here is the simple but powerful rule… always give people more than they expect to get.Nelson Boswell
I’m not telling you it is going to be easy, I’m telling you it’s going to be worth it.Art Williams
Cry. Forgive. Learn. Move on. Let your tears water the seeds of your future happiness.Steve Maraboli
The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones that do.Anonymous
The final proof of greatness lies in being able to endure criticism without resentment.Elbert Hubbard
Strength grows in the moments when you think you can’t go on but you keep going anyway.Anonymous
As long as we have hope, we have direction, the energy to move, and the map to move by.Lao Tzu
Your goals are the roadmaps that guide you and show you what is possible for your life.Les Brown
I don’t focus on what I’m up against. I focus on my goals and I try to ignore the rest.Venus Williams
We are never in lack of money. We lack people with dreams who can die for those dreams.Jack Ma
The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person’s determination.Tommy Lasorda
You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.Winston S. Churchill
A goal is not always meant to be reached, it often serves simply as something to aim at.Bruce Lee
Great things in business are never done by one person. They’re done by a team of people.Steve Jobs
Don’t miss out on something that could be great just because it could also be difficult.Anonymous
You yourself, as much as anyone in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.Sharon Salzberg
In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.Bill Cosby
You know you are on the road to success if you would do your job, and not be paid for it.Oprah Winfrey
Success at anything will always come down to this: Focus and effort, and we control both.Dwayne Johnson
Continuous effort – not strength or intelligence – is the key to unlocking our potential.Winston Churchill
The best teamwork comes from men who are working independently toward one goal in unison.James Cash Penney
The work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives and the dreams shall never die.Edward Kennedy
Success is a state of mind. If you want success, start thinking of yourself as a success.Joyce Brothers
People with goals succeed because they know where they are going. It’s as simple as that.Earl Nightingale
Challenges are what make life interesting. Overcoming them is what makes them meaningful.Anonymous
There comes a time when you have to choose between turning the page and closing the book.Anonymous
And suddenly you know…It’s time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings.Anonymous
I am thankful for all of those who said NO to me. Its because of them I’m doing it myself.Albert Einstein
Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.Henry Ford
I pay no attention whatever to anybody’s praise or blame. I simply follow my own feelings.Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.James Baldwin
If you want something you’ve never had, then you’ve got to do something you’ve never done.Anonymous
Every day is a new beginning. Stay away from what might have been and look at what can be.Anonymous
I don’t regret the things I’ve done, I regret the things I didn’t do when I had the chance.Anonymous
If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse.Jim Rohn
Striving for success without hard work is like trying to harvest where you haven’t planted.David Bly
Some succeed because they are destined to, but most succeed because they are determined to.Henry Van Dyke
Whatever you do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius and power and magic in it.Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Keep dreaming, keep believing, keep putting the effort. The only madness is half-heartedly.MaximeLagacé
Don’t be afraid to start over. It’s a brand new opportunity to rebuild what you truly want.Anonymous
The world wasn’t formed in a day, and neither were we. Set small goals and build upon them.Anonymous
A dream does not become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work.Colin Powell
There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.Anonymous
Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.Joshua J. Marine
Be steady and well-ordered in your life so that you can be fierce and original in your work.Gustave Flaubert
The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team.Phil Jackson
It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end.Ursula K. Le Guin
It’s important to know that words don’t move mountains. Work, exacting work moves mountains.DaniloDolci
Focusing on daily efforts will give you momentum. Yearly goals will scare and overwhelm you.MaximeLagacé
Sometimes the bravest thing you can do is to keep going when you really feel like giving up.Anonymous
To conquer frustration, one must remain intensely focused on the outcome, not the obstacles.T.F. Hodge
If people like you they’ll listen to you but if they trust you they’ll do business with you.Zig Ziglar
Stop being afraid of what could go wrong, and start being excited about what could go right.Tony Robbins
If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. Then quit. No use being a damn fool about it.W.C. Fields
What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.Henry S. Haskins
Never work just for money or for power. They won’t save your soul or help you sleep at night.Marian Wright Edelman
Cooperation is the thorough conviction that nobody can get there unless everybody gets there.Virginia Burden
A dream doesn’t become a reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work.Colin Powell
It’s easy to attack and destroy an act of creation. It’s a lot more difficult to perform one.Chuck Palahniuk
Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree.Martin Luther
Great achievement is usually born of great sacrifice, and is never the result of selfishness.Napoleon Hill
It’s perseverance that’s the key. It’s persevering for long enough to achieve your potential.Lynn Davies
Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal.Pamela Vaull Starr
Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.Sun Tzu
It’s okay to be scared. Being scared means you’re about to do something really, really brave.Anonymous
Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else.Judy Garland
A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that other throw at him.David Brinkley
Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goals: my strengthlies solely in my tenacity.Louis Pasteur
Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.Henry Ford
No matter how tough it may get, never give up on yourself or you will look back and regret it.Anonymous
Whatever your goal in life, be proud of every day that you are able to work in that direction.Chris Evert
Holding on is believing that there’s only a past; letting go is knowing that there’s a future.Daphne Rose Kingma
Do not wait until the conditions are perfect to begin. Beginning makes the conditions perfect.Alan Cohen
Concentration is the ability to think about absolutely nothing when it is absolutely necessary.Ray Knight
To be successful, you have to have your heart in your business and your business in your heart.Thomas J. Watson
Strength is the product of struggle. You must do what others don’t to achieve what others wont.Henry Rollins
There is no such thing as work-life balance. Everything worth fighting for unbalances your life.Alain de Botton
If people knew how hard I worked to achieve my mastery, it wouldn’t seem so wonderful after all.Michelangelo
Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did.Newt Gingrich
Amateurs think about shortcuts and success. Professionals think about daily habits and progress.MaximeLagacé
The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and they day you find out why.Mark Twain
Each of us has a fire in our hearts for something. It’s our goal in life to find it and keep it.Mary Lou Retton
To be successful, you have to have your heart in your business, and your business in your heart.Thomas Watson
Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.Helen Keller
When someone tells me no, it doesn’t mean I can’t do it, it simply means I can’t do it with them.Karen E. Quinones Miller
The whole secret of a successful life is to find out what is one’s destiny to do, and then do it.Henry Ford
Talent means nothing, while experience, acquired in humility and with hard work, means everything.Patrick Süskind
It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt.Mark Twain
The secret of change is to focus all your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new.Dan Millman
Hard times don’t create heroes. It is during the hard times when the ‘hero’ within us is revealed.Bob Riley
And suddenly you just know it’s time to start something new and trust the magic of new beginnings.Anonymous
Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.Martin Luther King Jr.
The world needs dreamers and the world needs doers. But above all, the world needs dreamers who do.Sarah Ban Breathnach
Don’t downgrade your dream just to fit your reality. Upgrade your conviction to match your destiny.John Assaraf
Everybody falls sometimes, gotta find the strength to rise from the ashes and make a new beginning.Anonymous
Success isn’t just about what you accomplish in your life; it’s about what you inspire others to do.Unknown
People might not get all they work for in this world, but they must certainly work for all they get.Frederick Douglass
Successful people begin where failures leave off. Never settle for just getting the job done. Excel!Tom Hopkins
Progress will come in fits and starts. It’s not always a straight line. It’s not always smooth path.Barack Obama
If you care about what you do and work hard at it, there isn’t anything you can’t do if you want to.Jim Henson
The best work that anybody ever writes is the work that is on the verge of embarrassing him, always.Arthur Miller
What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.Henry David Thoreau
The mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive, but in finding something to live for.Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.St. Francis of Assisi
To achieve what 1% of the world’s population has, you must be willing to do what only 1% dares to do.Manoj Arora
Character is the indelible mark that determines the only true value of all people and all their work.Orison SwettMarden
Four things come not back: The spoken word, the sped arrow, the past life, the neglected opportunity.Arabian proverb
You’ve got to get up every morning with determination if you’re going to go to bed with satisfaction.George Lorimer
The splendid thing about falling apart silently…is that you can start over as many times as you like.Sanober Khan
The only person who can pull me down is myself, and I’m not going to let myself pull me down anymore.C. JoyBell C
The sweat of hard work is not to be displayed. It is much more graceful to appear favored by the gods.Maxine Hong Kingston
Your true success in life begins only when you make the commitment to become excellent at what you do.Brian Tracy
Success comes from knowing that you did your best to become the best that you are capable of becoming.John Wooden
Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it.Dwight Eisenhower
Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.George Bernard Shaw
Not all hustle is loud. Sometimes hustle is just you, all alone, grinding, while no one hears a sound.Anonymous
What I lack in talent, I compensate with my willingness to grind it out. That’s the secret of my life.Guy Kawasaki
We must be willing to let go of the life we’ve planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.Joseph Campbell
The indispensable first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: Decide what you want.Ben Stein
Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure.Oprah Winfrey
Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless.Jamie Paolinetti
There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.Colin Powell
Don’t make excuses for why you can’t get it done. Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.Anonymous
Fear of something is at the root of hate for others, and hate within will eventually destroy the hater.Anonymous
Waste your money and you’re only out of money, but waste your time and you’ve lost a part of your life.Michael LeBoeuf
Your mind is a powerful thing. When you fill it with positive thoughts, your life will start to change.Anonymous
Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.Thomas Edison
You just don’t luck into things. You build them step by step, whether it’s friendships or opportunities.Barbara Bush
A man is not idle because he is absorbed in thought. There is visible labor and there is invisible labor.Victor Hugo
If you try and lose then it isn’t your fault. But if you don’t try and we lose, then it’s all your fault.Orson Scott Card
Many who are self-taught far excel the doctors, masters, and bachelors of the most renowned universities.Ludwig Von Mises
What makes a boy a man and a girl a woman? Courage and the willingness to keep going when life gets hard.Anonymous
Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun’s rays do not burn until brought to a focus.Alexander Graham Bell
The best way to learn is by doing. The only way to build a strong work ethic is getting your hands dirty.Alex Spanos
If you’re changing the world, you’re working on important things, you’re excited to get up in the morning.Larry Page
Too many people are thinking of security instead of opportunity. They seem more afraid of life than death.James F. Byrnes
Making money isn’t hard in itself… What’s hard is to earn it doing something worth devoting one’s life to.Carlos Ruiz Zafón


Devang Vibhakar is the Founder and Editor of www.SpeakBindas.com. He has interviewed more than 350 people. His effort was recognized by Limca Book of Records, twice. He has been to Scotland as well as Germany as part of vocational & cultural exchange programs and has compiled five books so far. He's passionate about bringing forth interesting stories & interviews of entrepreneurs to avid readers of SpeakBindas. He can be reached here.

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